Monday 11 July 2011


pigieon landing

Blue-Crowned Motmot

Guira Cuckoo

Hooded Merganser

ruby throated humming bird

Luxury Hotel in Caribbean

This luxury hotel in the Caribbean
Jade Mountain hotel stands majestically on the island of St. Lucia in the Caribbean. Architect and owner Nick Troubetzkoy (Nick Troubetzkoy) sought to create a unique resort in harmony with nature, and he did it perfectly turned out.

The pearl of the hotel is a great vast pools ranging in size from 40 to 80 meters, depending on room type. The latter in turn are divided into three categories: the Sun, Moon and Star. Guests may choose their pool lights, thus changing the appearance of the hotel at night.

A unique glass tile, which is lined with pools in all rooms, was designed by designers for the hotel Jade Mountain. All this is created in order to enhance sensory perception of the guests to prepare their absolute relaxation and achieve harmony with nature.

In every room, there are only three walls and a fourth just simply missing. So not only offers guests a pass to the pool, but a stunning landscape and the Caribbean. This approach is also intended to reinforce the impression of unity with nature, let her in the room. Eclectic furniture decorated in tropical style all rooms of the hotel.

What's more important - Hotel Jade Mountain deliberately does not recognize the technology. You will have to abandon the telephone, radio and television. If you can not live without communication with the outside world, in the lobby, you can use the Internet. But remember, you do not pay for that $ 1,000 per night!